Dad, Do They Know You Still Love Them?


A couple of weeks ago, our church started a group of meetings called the Life Action Summit. Quite honestly, my percentage level to attend was under 50%, as those “revival” type meetings are usually full of bad theology, financial begging, and as my boy Rob would say, “Momma-say-momma-sa-mumombusa”…in other words…speaking in tongues with no sign of an interpretation coming from anywhere.

All I can say is: OUCH.

I went for 11 days and:

Many of the lessons that I heard exhorted me to return to my first love, Jesus Christ.

Many of the lessons that I heard exhorted me to return to the love and commitment I have for my wife.

But many of the other lessons the I heard exhorted me to return to being the father that I am supposed to be as well.

Now why am I writing this to you?

Even if you are not a Christian, I think what I’m about to say applies to you.

Do you need to return to the love you had for your children when they were born?

Like a wedding, I’ve found that parents have showers, celebrate, cry, tell everyone and are just so excited about becoming parents when the woman announces she’s pregnant and delivers the baby. However, after a few years, just like marriage, that loves seems to change.

From 0-5, they are cute and we are patient, as they discover this world and still have a smile that melts our hearts.

From 6-10, they’re not as cute and that smile now gets accompanied with a frown when they don’t have their way, and our patience lessens.

From 11-15, we often go through the motions as they become their own person that we like/dislike and our lives are full of school events, sports, and “stuff”.

From 16-18, we are just trying to endure to the end. We back off as to not “push them away”, as they scream silently, “Mom, Dad, would you please give me some direction and guidance?” Then high school graduation comes and as they walk across the stage we say, “Where did all the years go? There’s so much more I wish I could teach them…”.

Quite honestly, some parents say, “Get out! You’re 18 now!”

What happened to all the promises we told ourselves? Promises how we’d protect them, provide a stable household for them, tell them that they can always come to us, kisses and “I love you-goo-goo-ga-ga” accompanies with goofy faces.

Tonight, I’d like for you to reflect on whether you are truly still thankful for your children.

Next, ask yourself (and if you are really daring, your wife), if someone you didn’t know were to ask your kids, “Does your dad ACT AND SAY that he loves you?” What would the answer be to that person? What would your kids say?

So your CSD-homework assignment for this week? Tell your child/children that you love them. That’s it. I bet you acted like you did they were born, but what about now?

Let me know how it goes…

Photo taken at: Creation Museum

If you ever have an opportunity to go to a Life Action Summit, I cannot recommend it enough. It has certainly made a difference in my life and I’m not typing anything to you that I have not had to struggle with myself, as I’m far from the perfect dad. But over the last couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to sit with all five of my children and renew that love that I had for each one of them when they were brought into my life.

Just starting with “I Love You”, can be a way for you to begin that same journey as well.



Revenge of the Homeschooling Dad

I’ve had it. I’m done. I’m tired of the comments.

I will come here to vent, but I may just vent on the people who feel the need to give me their opinion as well.

But if there are any homeschooling parents out there, feel free to chime in with your experiences as well.

I’m about to start a new section called: Revenge of the Homeschooling Dad.

First post:

Why are you asking about my kids socialization when all people complain about is how disrespectful children are these days, how self-centered they are, and how they aren’t learning anything in school…folks keep giving their unsolicited opinion to me, so I’m about to start giving mine….Oh yea, and they are so Biblically illiterate, that Jesus is nothing but a swear word to them, not their Savior.

Yea, it’s on now…if you want my skin to be thick enough for your opinions, I’m sure yours is thick enough to hear mine as well.

After all, I’m sure you went to school, so you know how to interact with various people and respect different views when my kids will not right?

Join The CornerstoneDads and Sons Fantasy Football League


Feel free to join our fantasy football league, as we’d like to lock things down and need more teams to draft.

To make things easy for everyone, we’re just going to Autodraft (sorry hardcore folks), but owning a team would be great for you and your son…or even daughter!

The league is hosted by Yahoo ( and is called CornerstoneDads and Sons. Just go to the fantasy football join a league page and enter in the league ID: 735939

Hope to see you on the field!