CornerstoneDad Podcast #15 – Reggie’s First Sermon: The Sin Line

If we were to take this photo again today, Reg would be one of the tallest in the shot instead of being "the little guy". Rob is with the Lord now, but I couldn't help but think of how proud he would be been of Reg as well.

As we wrap up our time here in our area, our days of going to the mission in our city are coming to an end. My boys have spent much time there and I’ve been asking my 16-year-old for about a year if he ever wanted to speak.

Praise God, this time, he said he was ready, and you can listen to the message HERE.

So many times we get more excited about our kid’s sports achievement, than we do about their spiritual lives. However, lets tell the truth, we get excited about how fast they run, hit, throw, swim, etc., because of the pride it brings us and the possibility of riches. We forget about

Matthew 6:21:For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also


Ecclesiastes 5:10: Whoever loves money never has enough;
    whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.
    This too is meaningless.

Yes indeed, it is truly meaningless. It would be much more difficult for our children to follow Christ making $10M per year and fame than $35K per year teaching in a school.

But 1 Cor. 9:24-25 says:

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.  

I’m so very proud of my son, and I thank God for his grace in allowing me to see him grow more as a brother in Christ, as he grows into the man that God wants him to be.

If we were to take the above photo again today, Reg would be one of the tallest in the shot instead of being “the little guy”. Rob is with the Lord now, but I couldn’t help but think of how proud he would be been of Reg as well.


Race-Baiting 101 – A Quick Vid For Everyone

Bravo…Bravo…This wasn’t just for black folks, it exposes the lies that many white folks have been fed over the last 200 years as well.

Ever wonder why the closer so-called “lower class” whites are economically to their “black neighbors”, there’s an increase in racial tension when it should actually decrease? Both groups have a common interest as they are impacted by the same conditions that have them neighbors!

Therefore, you must check out this quick video!



Sometimes, Do As I Say and Not As I Do, Can Save Your Eternal Life


If God only used perfect people to get his work done, he would never have any workers. If we set our eyes on some man and ministry, we will see things that will make us stumble, so keep your eyes on God. This is never to excuse our shortcomings, but it’s amazing that scripture exposes the weaknesses and sins of every “hero” in its pages.

Perhaps one of the reasons God exposes the weakness of men in the bible is because it points to their need for a Savior. We cannot read scripture and worship Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, etc.. Their weaknesses point to the one who will deliver them, and He is our deliverance as well today.

Romans 7:23 – but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members.24Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?

The Intersection of Sex and Race in America

Are we ready to talk about the role sex played in the terrorist act in South Carolina as well? Like Elliot Rodger, terrorist in CA who said, “Today I drove through the area near my college and saw some things that were extremely rage-inducing. I passed by this restaurant and I saw this black guy chilling with 4 hot white girls. He didn’t even look good.” sexual inferiority plays a major role in racist ideology.

If you are an African-American male reading this, you have known from your early days of female attraction that “the white woman” was off-limits to you. Like me, if you were around them at school, church or perhaps in your neighborhood, you may have followed the “When in Rome, do as the Romans” dating philosophy. However, and probably as your parents held their breath in fear, you may have tried to date “outside your race”. When you did, I’m sure you were met not with open arms (not even with the church folks), but with warnings by the girl or even her parents with statements like, “You can’t come over as my parents don’t like black guys” or something similar.

Now perhaps you’re on the other side reading this. I willing to bet another dollar to the donut that either you’ve heard your parents say the above, you’ve said it to your kids, or you at least know your friends and/or family have laid this rule down.

403px-MascotOpiumDen3Aug89 FakeMarihuanaC

This nation has always and continues to perpetuate the stereotype that black men are sexual predators. Many in the dominant-group has or will make it clear that their daughter “better not bring home a black man.” Why would you say that (especially if you call yourself a Christian)? Of course, if you study this nation’s history, you’d see that they have always pinned rape on not just African-Americans, but on the Chinese as well. They claimed that Chinese men on heroine were raping white women, so the drug was made illegal and so were they. Mexicans were said to be raping white woman on marijuana, again, the drug was made illegal and so were they (also note that their labor was no longer needed to build the infrastructure of the country). So once again, we don’t teach the country’s true history, the same tricks work decades after decades…and “hot white girls” are being raped on college campuses so much, they fight to keep the statistics from being reported because it wouldn’t exactly look too cool on the recruiting side (fact check that one…I dare you). Oh, and you can’t blame that one on black men because wez don’t goes to skool remember? So it’s not us doing it…


Terrorism Strikes Directly At the African-American Church – Now What?


I will be praying for my brothers and sisters in South Carolina. Who were the victims? See HERE.

Sadly, if you’ve been following Cornerstonedad over the last couple of years, we saw this day coming.

Family Bible Study tonight had us in Prov. 18. How fitting:

3 Doing wrong leads to disgrace,
and scandalous behavior brings contempt.

5 It is not right to acquit the guilty
or deny justice to the innocent.

I think if we study verse 5 first, then look at verse 3, we’ll see how we got to the terrorist attack in South Carolina. Video after video showing African-Americans getting beat down and killed for cigs, toy guns, running, swimming in the suburbs, going to the club, having a heart attack (none of those were exaggerations, look them up). So many found “innocent” or not even tried in court so justice cannot be found. It was and still is, only a matter of time before other white supremacists consider themselves doing “the Lord’s work”, ‘making this country a better place”, and “taking their country back”. Yes, it is breeding more and more contempt against African-Americans. As Solomon said, there’s nothing new under the sun…

Original Terrorists

1.) My first response on hearing the news this morning: Still don’t think we’re in Jim Crow 2.0? Is this a 2015 or 1955? Also, this is not a “Hate Crime”, lets define it by what it is, this is terrorism! Remember African-Americans folks, terrorists from the Middle East ranked behind Patriot-groups as the #1 threat in this country.

2.) So I’ve been at work all day and I’m just seeing the news coverage on the terrorist massacre in S.C.. I’m so amazed seeing all of these images of African-American’s praying, holding hands, talking about forgiveness. However, with the exception of the Amish community, these images are not shown of Caucasians doing the same thing when a terrorist act is done against them. If anything, as a whole, we see “action” shots politically, with law enforcement, vigilante justice and even antagonistic rallies like those seen against Islam right now. Please reject and encourage our children to reject this “good negro” position.


As Chaedria LaBouvier said HERE, “You tell us to be non-violent and pray – and be like Martin Luther King, the non-violent man whom White supremacy blew to smithereens – but yet, you follow us into those houses of worship, spilling them over with your violence.”

3.) The other day, news hit about an African-American felon, who had committed ID theft 11 years ago, who shot the family dog that attacked his daughter. He was being charged with several charges because as a felon and should not have been involved with a firearm. So why is this a racial issue that involves inequity in the prison pipeline system? Now lets look at today. This thug Dylann Storm Roof, “was arrested twice earlier this year, according to the Lexington County Sheriff’s department, which told TIME he had been booked at the Lexington County Detention Center on Feb. 28 and April 26, after being arrested by the Columbia Police Department. Local reports have said he was arrested at least once on drug charges. NPR has published the incident reports from the February and April arrests, which took place at the Columbiana mall in Columbia, South Carolina.” according to 

So my question is, a.) how is he not in prison which leads to b.) how was he allowed access to a firearm? So if we’re going to end up talking about gun control, lets start here.

4.) This is why we have to play chess with our language. As I said, CALL THIS TERRORISM! When Jewish synagogs were being threatened by terrorism, Time magazine reported, “Many Jewish leaders say their synagogues are already armed with security systems, special glass, indoor-outdoor cameras and lighting to thwart unwanted visitors. A growing number of temples have received state homeland security grants for security upgrades to their facilities since 9/11.”

5.) What’s really sad, as that we have no African-American major media outlets to even cover this terrorist act.

6.) This one goes out to my church-folks that love them some Fox news. The terrorist attack in S.C. is about religious freedom and nothing about gun control. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people right? I agree. So… this Sunday, will you be profiling/searching all of the young white males that enter into your congregation? Come on, even the Washington Post brought this up a couple of years ago. So how can you possibly feel safe this Sunday? I think we really need to pray from the pulpit about the violence going on with this demographic. See HERE.

I asked the question HERE, and I wonder what the response will be from lighter-skinned Christians. Now “your own” have come up under attack. Will you defend them or your ethnicity? By and large, I bet the narrative gets changed, this will be forgotten, and most will act like nothing ever happened.

Until something happens to the dominant group or homosexuality comes up then it’s, “Oh, God is going to punish this nation for it’s wickedness…why can’t we just go back to the good old days!”

No thanks, but does it matter, we’re going back in time whether I like it or not.


My “Prophecy” (Not From the Lord, But From Good Sociology) is Coming True Church, You Don’t Want To Talk About Race…the NOI Will


I’ve been saying this for a year now. We are entering an environment where all the Nation of Islam has to do is just open its doors to the many young African-Americans who want to come in. These “kids” are not atheists or agnostic. Most will be Baptists, Methodist, Catholic, Church of God in Christ or just plain “Evangelical”, and the roots they’ve received from their respective churches all their lives are likely as shallow as a puddle on a sidewalk.

Therefore, to give them an opportunity to just talk, let alone mobilize about white supremacy will pull like gravity.

So I was not surprised at all to see the following:

EXCLUSIVE: The Nation Of Islam Speaks On Involvement In Baltimore – “America Will Never Be The Melting Pot We Want It To Be”

Political leaders, athletes, and musicians headed to the city of Baltimore this past week, making headlines for their kind words, ideas, and inspiration after peaceful demonstrations turned violent following the funeral of Freddie Gray on Monday. Gray, 25, died from a spinal injury while in police custody. While the chaos of arson and looting took over headlines, one group’s efforts to prevent it all peculiarly went unnoticed – The Nation Of Islam.

Since its formation more than 80 years ago, the Islamic religious movement has dedicated their mission to bettering the mind, heart, and economic state of African-Americans. While the group has faced criticism for its harsh militancy position during the civil rights movement, some group members were seen on the front lines of the Baltimore riots, preventing possible looters from invading stores and bringing together Crips and Blood gang members in a photo that went viral over the weekend.


Read the full article HERE.



Another Parent Buries Their Child: The Murder Of Walter Scott



walter-scottHow many more stories do we need to SEE? A generation ago, video footage (Selma)  or even a photo (Emmett Till) sparked change and outrage in all people groups. Today, many won’t blink, will turn on and listen to Fox News, and continue to defend the actions of police who are lying and shooting down African-Americans with impunity. If this were any other people group, there is no doubt that the nation’s reaction would be completely different.

I bet the Church’s reaction would be different as well. I’d walk into service and people would be talking about how we need to pray for what is happening in our country and how they are scared. Folks would be holding prayer services for the persecution of ___ group in the nation. There would probably be academic debates about whether we are in The Tribulation period, if Obama’s the Antichrist, and when will the Abomination of desolation go down in the temple.

Instead, that statement is currently mostly reserved for President Obama and so-called “gay marriage”. Because you know, “we” (a group in which I’m not a part despite being a Believer) need to “take our country back”.

I wouldn’t be able to turn on my selected Christian podcast or talk show without hearing, “God will judge those who practice such terroristic acts and this is a supernatural attack against those created in the image of God, and we as Christians need to stand against such acts…”.

Instead, they’ll discuss how rap music (you know, that “jungle music”) creates thugs and the police are just enforcing the power of the sword given to them by God. After all, the KKK didn’t start executing and calling people niggers until rap came along using the word in the late ’80s. By that logic, I guess the Klan was actually a peace loving Christian organization during the civil rights 60’s as African-American singers were talking about being young, gifted and black.

Better yet, what would the nation’s reaction be if this video would have shown him shooting a dog running away?

Walter Scott

I can tell you the reaction we are seeing now though. And that’s a fund that’s been created defending the officer and raising money for him. Something we’ve seen for many of the officers and citizens who have shot African-American’s since George Zimmerman.

But the most important point of all, had there been no video (thank God for the brave person who recorded and turned it in), there would have been few questions and the cop’s LIE and planting of evidence would have been known only by God and officer.

My family’s prayers go out Walter Scott’s family. They should not have to bury their son.

This tragic incident opens up a whole other can of issues that I will discuss later. For example, the number of contacts that innocent African-American’s have with the police.  Take a look at New York’s Stop-and-Frisk data here. A busted tail light and child support warrant was enough to get Scott killed. I know many will say, “Look, he was running so he must have done something!” While I ask the question, “What would make a 50 year old man, who had a busted light as was late on his child-support (joining an enormous number of men including your’s truly at one time), run from the police?”

Was he fearing for this life?

Judging by the video, his fear was justified.

Sadly, he was unable to run fast enough.

Please pray for our nation, because for many of us, we’re beginning to wonder if Jim Crow 2.0 is the beginning of a new Tribulation period.



The CSD Tribe Checks Out The Ken Ham Presentation: One Race-One Blood

If the Church can't get this right, why would the World believe them when it comes to Jesus Christ?

If the Church can’t get this right, why would the World believe them when it comes to Jesus Christ?

The CSD Tribe went to see Ken Ham present on One Race One Blood and it was astounding! I can’t help but wonder if it’s because Ken is from Australia, if that is why he can speak the truth, because he was not brought up to think as an “American”. He’s the first light-skinned Christian (see the video on why I didn’t just call him “white”) I’ve ever heard boldly proclaim that Adam & Eve should not be portrayed as being “white”, because it is not biblical. I even thought he was about to start going in on “White Jesus”! (Read about those thoughts HERE and HERE)

Ham even pointed out that there are “Christians”, who would rather their child marry someone of a different Spiritual Race (meaning, they are not Christians and are unequally yoked according to 2 Corinthians 6:14) than for them to marry someone from a so-called different Physical Race. Actually no other race exists, as even the secularists acknowledge that there are no races. Therefore, color is made up (sociologists have long said this) and Christians should be leading the way in defining and proving this fact, but instead we buy in and may I add, bring shame to the Word of God. 

Remember, Acts 17:26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

My 13-year old daughter wrote a short essay in which she summarized things pretty well by stating, “…how did we get different races? We shouldn’t say race, we should say people groups, and we should not say color, we should say shade…Adam and Eve must have had the DNA to make different shades of skin. This means that Adam and Eve must have had a skin shade of light brown, because if you were dark brown, you would have a combination of ‘AABB’, but if you were a light shade you would have ‘aabb’. So it makes sense for them to be in the middle as AaBb.”

Yes indeed, that’s a lesson they wouldn’t be getting from the government school or most Christian schools.

The is a terrific video to show the fam and even my daughter said, “…I’m glad I went and didn’t stay home.”

Little does she know, she really didn’t have a choice any way…

Here’s a presentation of One Race One Blood:

More info is available at


So…Exactly What IS Mitt Romney’s Position On Abortion?

Taken at: Creation Museum

Allow me to be political for a moment.

I remember in high school having serious debates over abortion back in 1984. Now it is 2012 and the abortion argument is still alive and well and rightfully so, for we are talking about the life of another human being.

A life…so why is this issue not at the front of Mitt Romney’s mind?

“Dannenfelser said she thinks Romney’s comment to the editorial board was nothing more than a slip — that he just has too much else on his mind to keep issues like abortion front and center.

“I think the simple truth of the matter is his head is in jobs and the economy almost all day long, almost every single day,” she said. “And of course we want at least a third of his focus to be on it all the time, but you don’t always get everything that you want.” (Read more below)

I know many Christians that refuse to vote for ANY democratic candidate because of the abortion issue (I can say with some confidence that some use this issue as just a smoke-screen). I certainly respect that decision and even agree with that stance, but my question is, “So what has your undying support for the Republican party really done, as the debate is still the same after 28 years?”

In the last few elections, many in the African-American community have questioned the undying loyalty of other African-Americans to the Democratic party. For many African-American’s, the democratic stance on civil rights is the swing-issue. The question gets raised to them, “So what have they actually done for you? Do they really need to have your interests in mind when they know you will not go and vote for the Republican candidate?”

That’s a good question to ask.

Now, it’s about time Christians start asking this same question of the Republican party.

Candidates seem to get away simply saying, “I’m Pro-Life!”, without any follow-up questions as to what they mean.

So ask Mitt Romney what being “Pro-Life” really means?

Read or listen to the story below and tell me what you think.

It sounds to me like Mr. Romney is a lot closer to the center than many Christians want to admit.

Secondly, what do we do about this statement in the article below,

“…just as it was no accident when Romney said in a CBS evening news interview in August that he supported abortions when the pregnant woman’s health — not just her life — was threatened. That position was also reversed later, quietly, by staff.”

Some have pointed to Romney’s past positions as well. “Running for the U.S. Senate in 1994, Romney insisted that “since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years […] we should sustain and support it.” And again in 2002, running for governor in Massachusetts, Romney insisted that he would “preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose” and vowed to “not change any provisions of Massachusetts’ pro-choice laws.”


So as someone who doesn’t have a dog in this race (no pun intended), I must call out the hypocrisy that I see on this all important issue. The double-talk done by the candidate and many of the Christian Pro-Life-is-the-only-issue supporters who will not hold him to task if he gets elected OR pin him down to take a firm position on the sanctity of life.

I listen to many commentators on Christian radio and the line continues to be drawn:

Obama – Baby Killer <————————————————————> Romney – Baby Advocate

I think an argument can be made that neither candidate will do anything to reduce abortion. I do not have the space or the time right now to debate the “except for rape and incest” clause that many Republicans always throw out, but just by adding “health of the mother” should tell us a lot about how he really feels right there.

Why does he view a life differently in his exception clause and exactly what does he mean by, “health”…if that’s what he meant…oh I can’t keep up…

Just like many African-American’s are sheep for the Democratic party, it’s about time Christians admit they are nothing but sheep for the Republican party.

… and the last I checked, God was the only Shepherd that we were commanded to follow.

And in my best Andy Rooney tone, “and I don’t think He is a Republican!”

Hebrews 13:20 Now may the God of peace who by the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead the great shepherd of the sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, ©NET

Hear the story here:

“Just how many abortion positions does Mitt Romney have? Once again, that answer is unclear.

This time the confusion began Tuesday, during a meeting with the editorial board of the Des Moines Register.

“There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda,” Romney said.

He went on to add that he would use an executive order to reinstate the “Mexico City Policy,” which bars U.S. aid to international groups that lobby or pay for abortions.

But the comment about not pushing abortion-restricting legislation surprised those on both sides of the abortion debate.


“That’s quite a shock, coming from Mitt Romney, who has consistently called for the overturn of Roe v Wade; who said that he would appoint Supreme Court justices who would do just that; who has an extensive pro-life agenda on his website that anybody can access,” says Beth Shipp, political director of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

That agenda includes things like defunding Planned Parenthood, which would require legislation. Romney has also endorsed legislation to ban abortions at the point fetuses can theoretically feel pain.

In addition to a terse statement from the campaign vowing that, if elected, Romney would “be a pro-life president,” the candidate himself tried to walk back some of his comments when asked by reporters at a campaign stop Wednesday.

“I think I’ve said time and again, I’m a pro-life candidate. I’ll be a pro-life president,” he said during a rope line in Ohio.

Even before Romney’s walk back, however, he was being defended, if somewhat weakly, by abortion opponents.

“No one likes to be caught flat-footed or see your hero flat-footed. But those moments do come,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List.

Dannenfelser said she thinks Romney’s comment to the editorial board was nothing more than a slip — that he just has too much else on his mind to keep issues like abortion front and center.

“I think the simple truth of the matter is his head is in jobs and the economy almost all day long, almost every single day,” she said. “And of course we want at least a third of his focus to be on it all the time, but you don’t always get everything that you want.”

NARAL’s Shipp, however, thinks it’s anything but an accident — just as it was no accident when Romney said in a CBS evening news interview in August that he supported abortions when the pregnant woman’s health — not just her life — was threatened. That position was also reversed later, quietly, by staff.

“I know Mitt Romney really wants women to vote for him,” Shipp says. But the way that he’s going about this, by lying to people about where he stands on the issues, is not going to serve him well come Nov. 6.”

Still, political scientist John Green of the University of Akron says what Romney is doing isn’t all that unusual.

“There’s a long tradition of candidates adopting one kind of position for a broad audience, maybe on television, then having a different position in direct mail or in smaller venues,” he says.

Green says Romney is running into trouble because in today’s world of Twitter and nonstop cable news, there’s no such thing as being able to deliver different messages to anyone anymore.

“We’ve discovered over the last couple of election cycles, and we’ve seen it in many examples this year, is that it’s hard to keep those different venues separate because of our communication technology today,” Green says.

With an issue as touchy as abortion, that can become even more hazardous, says Green.

“The people who really care about something like abortion, whether they’re in the Republican base or the Democratic base, have very firm convictions on where a candidate should stand,” he says. “And variation on those convictions can create very real problems.”

Those problems include both alienating one’s own voters, and mobilizing those on the other side.

At least for now, however, Romney seems to be making it work. There’s still nearly a month until Election Day, however, and two more debates to go.”


CornerstoneDad Podcast #12 – Say Your Love, Show Your Love!

Catching up after a long break! We talk about where I’ve been and what’s been going on.


– Life Action Summit and what it has done for me.

– Which comes first, the sports our kids play or the family?

– Best CSD Driveway EVER…Gullwing, CTS-V, Vette and GT-R!

– Main Topic – Do you tell and show your kids that you love them?

Plus, I wonder why a kid sporting $400 LeBron James gym shoes…is riding the bus!

Check out the podcast by clicking HERE-PODCAST #12


Dad, Do They Know You Still Love Them?


A couple of weeks ago, our church started a group of meetings called the Life Action Summit. Quite honestly, my percentage level to attend was under 50%, as those “revival” type meetings are usually full of bad theology, financial begging, and as my boy Rob would say, “Momma-say-momma-sa-mumombusa”…in other words…speaking in tongues with no sign of an interpretation coming from anywhere.

All I can say is: OUCH.

I went for 11 days and:

Many of the lessons that I heard exhorted me to return to my first love, Jesus Christ.

Many of the lessons that I heard exhorted me to return to the love and commitment I have for my wife.

But many of the other lessons the I heard exhorted me to return to being the father that I am supposed to be as well.

Now why am I writing this to you?

Even if you are not a Christian, I think what I’m about to say applies to you.

Do you need to return to the love you had for your children when they were born?

Like a wedding, I’ve found that parents have showers, celebrate, cry, tell everyone and are just so excited about becoming parents when the woman announces she’s pregnant and delivers the baby. However, after a few years, just like marriage, that loves seems to change.

From 0-5, they are cute and we are patient, as they discover this world and still have a smile that melts our hearts.

From 6-10, they’re not as cute and that smile now gets accompanied with a frown when they don’t have their way, and our patience lessens.

From 11-15, we often go through the motions as they become their own person that we like/dislike and our lives are full of school events, sports, and “stuff”.

From 16-18, we are just trying to endure to the end. We back off as to not “push them away”, as they scream silently, “Mom, Dad, would you please give me some direction and guidance?” Then high school graduation comes and as they walk across the stage we say, “Where did all the years go? There’s so much more I wish I could teach them…”.

Quite honestly, some parents say, “Get out! You’re 18 now!”

What happened to all the promises we told ourselves? Promises how we’d protect them, provide a stable household for them, tell them that they can always come to us, kisses and “I love you-goo-goo-ga-ga” accompanies with goofy faces.

Tonight, I’d like for you to reflect on whether you are truly still thankful for your children.

Next, ask yourself (and if you are really daring, your wife), if someone you didn’t know were to ask your kids, “Does your dad ACT AND SAY that he loves you?” What would the answer be to that person? What would your kids say?

So your CSD-homework assignment for this week? Tell your child/children that you love them. That’s it. I bet you acted like you did they were born, but what about now?

Let me know how it goes…

Photo taken at: Creation Museum

If you ever have an opportunity to go to a Life Action Summit, I cannot recommend it enough. It has certainly made a difference in my life and I’m not typing anything to you that I have not had to struggle with myself, as I’m far from the perfect dad. But over the last couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to sit with all five of my children and renew that love that I had for each one of them when they were brought into my life.

Just starting with “I Love You”, can be a way for you to begin that same journey as well.



Revenge of the Homeschooling Dad

I’ve had it. I’m done. I’m tired of the comments.

I will come here to vent, but I may just vent on the people who feel the need to give me their opinion as well.

But if there are any homeschooling parents out there, feel free to chime in with your experiences as well.

I’m about to start a new section called: Revenge of the Homeschooling Dad.

First post:

Why are you asking about my kids socialization when all people complain about is how disrespectful children are these days, how self-centered they are, and how they aren’t learning anything in school…folks keep giving their unsolicited opinion to me, so I’m about to start giving mine….Oh yea, and they are so Biblically illiterate, that Jesus is nothing but a swear word to them, not their Savior.

Yea, it’s on now…if you want my skin to be thick enough for your opinions, I’m sure yours is thick enough to hear mine as well.

After all, I’m sure you went to school, so you know how to interact with various people and respect different views when my kids will not right?