Newly Discovered Poem By My Grandfather


As we de-clutter our lives for a major move soon, I discovered my grandfather’s obituary. Since we were just with family yesterday, I thought it would be good to go over it and tell a few stories. What I discovered was a poem that he wrote, that must forever be passed down to all the fathers in our family and deserves to be a staple on this blog, as it captures the kind of dad I strive to be, and the kind I want to encourage all of you guys reading this to be as well.

A Man To Admire

To the man I have always respected,

To his command I have never rejected.

He seems to be some kind of master mind, 

But to each of our problems he always had time.

But there is something I can’t understand,

How he controls himself and never gives a harsh demand.

Sure he is human as everyone else,

But the way that he handles things is something else.

You know, I envy him in so many ways, 

When we’ve done something extra, he always gives us praise.

He has set a beautiful example, for everyone to see, 

And I will try harder each day, 

That type of person to be.

  • Always remember…

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